Mobile BILGI Student Information System
Version and System Info
- Server App Version : 1.6.20250219.1613
What is BilgiCampus?
BilgiCampus, provides mobile optimized access to Istanbul Bilgi University's Student Information System. BilgiCampus is a mobile optimized web application and has native apps for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android as well as being accessable through mobile browsers
BilgiCampus for Students
- Student personal info
- Current and previous term course schedules
- Current and previous term course grades
- Announcements and your announcement inbox
- Accounting information and reports
- Search for courses in Bilgi Course Catalog and view detailed information about the courses
- Request documents like transcripts and student record and track your request status
BilgiCampus for Instructors
- Instructor info
- Schedule
- My Courses
- Advisor Operations
- Registration Monitor
- Registration Approval
- Student List
- Withdrawal Approval
- Add/Drop Approval
- Master/Phd Add/Drop Permission
- Announcements and your announcement inbox
- Exam Assignments
- Search for Instructor or Student
- Course consent operations
- Course capacity operations
- Chanage general capacity
- Add/Remove special Capacity
- Course Directory
- Course Capacity Monitor
- Course Catalog, search for courses in Bilgi Course Catalog and view detailed information about the courses